
Every Week, there is a new Poll Updated. To join these polls, all you need is an email! As simple as that! This week's Poll is on the right. Thank You!

The neighborhood likes Pasta, Ice-Cream, and Fruit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions Answered

How often is the Poll?

We have the poll once a week.

Which email can I use?

You can use any email that you can log in to Google with. This includes home emails, school emails, work emails, etc.

Can I do more than one response?

You may not do more than one response, even if you have more than one email account. The form limits each email to one response, but I ask for first names so that I know who is responding at all times.

How much people do you want filling out the Poll every week?

I would like if we could reach to 30 people at one point. This has never happened, but I believe in YOU GUYS!

What if it tells me I have already filled out the form, but I haven't because it's logged into someone else's entry?

If you open an incognito window, enter the website domain, and go to the polls page. It will make you log in to whichever email you would like.

Can I recommend a poll to you?

Yes, you can. Click the email below to do so.

[email protected]